My little sister Jenny got me real good today. She sent this email to her friends at the Hospice where she works in Oregon. I have to admit, that even though my interests in the medical can run to the bizarre and borderline fetishistic, I am unsure that I could deal with death and grieving on a daily basis. She has an inner strength that makes me proud to be her sister and last April she gave birth to a little girl, Aly, who I am completely in love with. Thanks for the support and love Jenny. Here is her email:
Hi everyone! I have a personal little favor to ask all of you.My sister, Amy lives in California & is going in for surgery on Monday. She is donating her kidney to her best friends husband who has stage 5 renal failure. She has gone through extensive testing these past 6 months to make sure she was a match; needless to say, she is exhausted. She, of course, is extremely nervous about the surgery but has never questioned her decision to save this man’s life. She is a remarkable person with a big heart (she got the big heart, I got the big back side!!)
I adore my sister & have always looked up to her. She has helped mold me into the person that I am today (so you all can blame her). I know we are all busy & have things going on in our lives, but if you could just keep her in your thoughts on Monday I would really appreciate it & I know she would too. Thank you for taking the time to read all of this.
Jenn Gagne`
Office Manager, Hospice & Palliative Care of Washington County
posted by Amy
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