So you would think that I am the one having surgery next week. I have been not sleeping well at all, I have a constant head ache and my face is still having stress blister breakouts. I have a seriously annoying twitch in the muscle of my left arm. Also stress related they tell me. My patients is getting shorter and I am always feeling like I want to cry. I saw this halibut in a tank in a Sushi restaurant today and I wanted to cry for him. He was flown all the way from Korea to California live in a tank and he will soon become dinner for someone. Normally it does not bother me this much but man is it bothering me now. We all need to eat but I wanted to scoop him out and run to the ocean and free him. It was just an impulse.
Alex spent the day with me once he got out of school and we ate and rested and watched Ace of Cakes on TV. We love that show. He is great company to me. Mike is exhausted but non the less teaching tonight. He cannot bare to let his students down. It makes him happy to teach.
Tomorrow we meet with the surgeon and find out more about the 9th and all that will happen to Mike and Amy. Everything is going to work out great. I know this but I also have my body telling me that I am stressed and nervous. Yuck! I feel like that halibut looked.
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