We just got back from the hospital where Mike and Amy had blood taken for pre surgery labs. We got up early and got Amy and Kevin and took care of business. Amy gave the Phlebotomist a hard time only to be pleasantly surprised at how great he was at taking her blood. This guy takes blood from children so Amy was a piece of cake. Just a kid only bigger!
I took this photo in the new lobby at Saint Joseph's Hospital. Looks like the lobby of a fancy hotel in Hawaii to me.
I am in the process of ordering Hepa filters. I did some homework and found a great one called a Bio GS Rabbit Air Filter. Mikes needs this as we have dust and pet hair etc. This will keep his room and area clean and clear for when he comes home to recover. The doctor says he is sensitive to infection form stuff in the air so we will be very careful with him.
I am headed to shop more for stuff we will need. Milk of Magnesia and one of those cool desks you can use in bed with the pillow for Amy and for Mike new sheets and towels and other comfort items. I love these two and want them to be very comfy!
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