Today has been going well but the reality of the pain has hit both Mike and Amy. Amy is on morphine and feeling OK now but awhile ago she was in a great deal of pain. She was taking the Vicodine but the amount just was not enough. She has been walking and the nurses are encouraged with her progress. I believe she will be allowed to go home tomorrow. Mike was having some strange feeling after taking his many medications. His body is deal with so much that it is normal for there to be some effects from the drugs that are of concern. But, he is better now and the feeling he was having of dizziness and blurriness have passed.
Mike tried to eat lunch but it was not very good food. We have had really good food here for him but today it just was not good. The hospital is really wonderful and all the staff are treating Mike and Amy well. Amy called her nurses the dynamic duo!
Alex is here watching cartoon while Mike rests. I am tired and wish I could climb into the hospital bed with him but it is very small and I would not really fit.
Mikes nurse taught me how to change his bandage today which is a real easy thing. I am also learning about all the drugs so I can help care for him once we get home. Can't wait to have him back home.
Elizabeth Turk came to see us today and Tracey Gayer did as well. Also friends Shannon and others came to cheer Amy on in her recovery. Thanks for the visits.
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