So, I finish with them and than head to Saint Joseph's to meet Mike's doctor ( The Nephrologist). He told us that all is looking good for Monday and was real pleased with all of Mike's lab work. Dr. Segala is a really brilliant and sweet guy. I think we have an excellent team of doctors we are working with.
So, I leave the doctors and head to CSUF. Well actually I headed to the School of Optometry. Mike was asked to jury an exhibition for them. 198 artworks by 56 artists all of whom are legally blind. Mike was just not up to doing it as he is very tired these days so he asked me to do it. I was happy to help him and excited to be apart of the process. I had never been there so I was looking forward to it.
I was also a bit tired by this time so I stopped at Rubio's for a quick street taco before jurying the show. I was rushing and needed something quick. I ordered and went to fill my drink and wait.
Just as I was filling my drink I noticed this sweet looking puffer fish in this big tank they have there. He was so active and fun to watch. I ducked in under the thatched hut roof over the tank to take a closer look. He was looking right back at me and swimming back and forth. He had these huge eyes that I think were almost as large as human eyes. What an amazing creature! He almost looks alien and I felt so honored that he was actually interested in me. I stayed there for awhile until I heard my name. I tried to take his photo but every time I put my phone up to take it he would move fast past me. He was not going to have it. It made me smile and I felt lucky to be alive and to have so many other wonderful creatures sharing this world with me.
I juried the exhibition with a few other arts professionals. It was fun, well organized and interesting. The exhibition will be featured September 23rd at the School of Optometry in Fullerton on Yorba Linda Blvd. The artists really impressed me. Dedicated to their artistic expression even with serious visual issues. The body and mind are amazing and it is fantastic how people can move through difficulties to pursue their creative lives.
I feel very lucky today.
posted by Andrea
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