Mike was in surgery for about five hours. It was long but the doctors said it went very well. I got to see him for a few minutes in the recovery room right after surgery. He said he loved me, asked me to thank Amy for helping him and told me to tell everyone he loves them. He was very groggy but he was aware of himself. He was moved to ICU and will be there for a couple days. He is in a very good place right now. His nurse Pat in ICU was very sweet and told me she would take great care of him. He looks relaxed as you can see in the photo. His skin even looks better already.
He asked me to look at the area where they put Amy's kidney. It was her left kidney but they transplanted it on Mikes right side. It was all bandaged up but it looked real clean and well done. Amy's kidney is called Mrs. Kevin Hill Kidney and it is already working to process for Mike. He said to make sure Amy was OK and he asked me to come home and rest. I know even with all this he is still worried about others and not himself.
I love this man and I will be back tomorrow to see him all day. I hope he does well tonight with all his new drugs for anti rejection etc.
Please keep him in your thoughts tonight and this week. Please do not send him gifts such as plants for flowers as he cannot have them. They carry fungus and other things that are dangerous to his health. If you send them to him they will go to Amy! Just send him your support and best wishes. I will be keeping you up to date on his progress. Thanks
posted by Andrea
So glad all is going well ! What a couple of great
souls !
Give them both our best .
Your pals,
Tom, Lisa & Clare
Wow, wow, wow! Give um hell!
ken, caryn, kendall & skylar
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