Last night was brutal for Mike. He was real sick with chills and a slight fever. I think I made the house to cool with the air conditioner. I am learning what he needs as we go along. They also think maybe he reacted to one of the drugs he was taking so they changes things up for him a bit.
I was up helping him with his pills, measurements off all fluids in and out and doing the over all nurses job. I am his nurse at home and take my job very seriously. I have set alarms on my iphone so I can get ready for every meal, medication dosing and monitoring of his vitals. I love this man so I feel that it is no trouble. He is the best guy! He has been so independent and low maintenance for all these years and finally I have something to help him with. I know he will recover well and get back to his old independent ways.
For the rest of his life he will take pills morning noon and night. He has to drink 2 liters of water each day. He had blood taken today and they will call us by 5:00 pm with the results. He and I slept maybe three hours total in the last 24 hours. Mike is napping now after his PB&J sandwich which I messed up because I toasted it. But he ate it anyways. What a good sport.
Alex is away for five days with his Dad visiting is grandma in Fresno. It is a good time for this trip to happen. I would hate to have Alex here to deal with all this when he should be enjoying his summer break. We did talk on the phone with his and Alex said Yipeeeee Mikie is Home!
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