Mike called my at about 3:00 today and said that I needed to take him to the hospital now. I was a bit freaked out and headed out the door to drive home and get him and Alex. I called him from the car and he said that his Creatnine levels had gone up and the doctor was concerned. To be safe they wanted him to get a sonogram of the Mrs. Kevin Hill Kidney to see if all was OK with her. They said the kidney looks OK but something is causing the numbers to raise so they told us they would talk to us again soon and see us Wednesday at our scheduled doctors appointment.
Mike may be having problems with his bladder which is causing urine to back up into the kidney. This is a serious thing as it can cause damage to the new kidney if untreated. Our doctors are so on top of all this and when they see anything that looks at all suspect they act promptly to have Mike checked out. I love having such good people looking out for Mike. It sets my mind at ease knowing they are on our team.
I can honestly say that Saint Joseph's staff and facility is great. We have been treated very well there. I did however take Alex to the cafeteria for a quick bite while we waited for Mike. The food is not very healthy but it is comfort food. Glad we did not have to stay there for long. Man is that hospital cold! We are home now and Mike is resting. Everyday is a challenge.
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