Hello all!
I am putting together a last minute mailing list for my show and am short a few addresses! If you would some of the fabulous invites, please email me your mailing address and I will send one out!
Also, in kidney related news, today is my doctor's appointment with my surgeon. The incision is very sore and the nerves across my belly feel slightly fuzzy. Im a little nervous, I havent been outside in a while and it is going into the triple digits today. I will report in later.
This is my sweetest Kevin with my kidney pillow. Im not sure if he gets any sleep at night; he is so cautious not to knock into me. But in the last few days he has made my transition from 24 Vicodin a day to 4 a day possible. I do have some pretty horrendous nightmares, and have these little spasms when I wake. Its as if my whole body is trying to contort into the Praying Mantis position, but locked into place by the arrangement of pillows and blankets. That scares the hell out of Kevin, but he rolls over and pats my heads, and I fall back to sleep.
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