This is a blog by Andrea and Amy. It is full of day to day entries about our lives. It was made for Mike McGee, our friends and anyone who might be interested. Enjoy
Monday, June 30, 2008
Seeing Kidneys
Meeting with Dr. Segala

Mike is doing real well. He has been better on his Creatnine at 1.9 and he has more energy. We are at the doctors about twice a week now and they are all very pleased with his progress. Mike is stilled at home most of the time but has been getting visitors. Joe and Catherine came by yesterday and our neighbors have some by to visit also. Mike is able to talk longer on the phone and has been chatting it up with friends over the last week. He went to a movie with me yesterday and did real well. We saw Wanted and it was fast paced and bloody. He loved it.
I'm doing great. less stressed and feeling like I have my energy back. I am working on books and Amy's exhibitions with my amazing staff at GCAC. That show is going to rock and all of you must attend it. We open Saturday the 5th of July 7-10 p.m. It will be a great party.
posted by Andrea
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Having a Pain in the Chest

Tuesday night, early Wednesday morning I woke up with a terrible pain in my chest. I was semi-asleep and trying to wake up, and my chest was was tight, burning, heavy. I have asthma and a myriad of stomach issues, so I finally went back to sleep attributing it to one of those calamities. But the pain stuck around until after noon on Wednesday, and I called the Renal Transplant Center to talk to a nurse. My symptoms could have meant a blood clot in the lung; chances were low but they are so cautious and thorough at St. Josephs that they asked to come into ER and have a chest X-Ray to eliminate that scenario. Alyssa, my co-worker at the Art Center jetted me to the hospital and a few minutes later we were settled into a room watching America's Toughest Prisons / Lockdown on National Geographic channel. I would not have turned the station even if had been more than one remote control for the floor. I love that stuff; and I learned how to make and conceal a shiv from an everyday plastic bag! After some bloodwork I was cleared. Kevin met Alyssa at the ER, and took me home for an evening of pork chops and Bladerunner on BluRay. The doctors said the chest pain was most likely muscular in nature. Since my abs are sort of useless, my back and chest have had to over compensate for them. I cant stand for to long, or my back aches terribly. I am home resting and playing alittle World of Warcraft.
posted by AMY
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Mikes sees Dr. Ruziks
We had our weekly appointment with the Dr. and all went real well. Mike is tired, and his mood is up and down do to bouts of pain he is still experiencing. The doctor told Mike to take it easy and just let the recovery process happen. It will take some time to feel better. Mike's Creatnine is up to 2.0 which is still good but they are keeping a close eye on him to make sure it is not creeping up. They said they will biopsy the kidney if the number moves again to make sure Mike is not experiencing a slow rejection of the kidney. We are taking good care of him and keeping our fingers crossed that he continues on this recovery path.
Mike has lost 20 pounds over the past two and a half weeks. He cannot fit his pants and is very lean. So lean that the other night he was washing his hands and his wedding ring must have fallen into the drain and got flushed away by the water. I checked the pipe trap and it was no where to be found. He was sad because he missed his ring and really liked it.
I decided to go out the the jewelry store tonight and buy him a new gold band. One that would fit him at his new size. He is a new man with a wonderful future ahead of him and so it along seems right that he should have a new wedding ring to replace the lost one.
I came home and got down on one knee and asked him to be my husband. He said he yes with a smile. He loves his new ring. I love him and all is well.
By the way I wanted to thank so many more of our friends for the great cards that have been sent to Mike. Thanks to Theron, Carlota, Marilyn, and Robin for coming by and helping to take care of us. We appreciate all our friends.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
First time out shopping for food!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Ended up in the hospital tonight

Mike called my at about 3:00 today and said that I needed to take him to the hospital now. I was a bit freaked out and headed out the door to drive home and get him and Alex. I called him from the car and he said that his Creatnine levels had gone up and the doctor was concerned. To be safe they wanted him to get a sonogram of the Mrs. Kevin Hill Kidney to see if all was OK with her. They said the kidney looks OK but something is causing the numbers to raise so they told us they would talk to us again soon and see us Wednesday at our scheduled doctors appointment.
Mike may be having problems with his bladder which is causing urine to back up into the kidney. This is a serious thing as it can cause damage to the new kidney if untreated. Our doctors are so on top of all this and when they see anything that looks at all suspect they act promptly to have Mike checked out. I love having such good people looking out for Mike. It sets my mind at ease knowing they are on our team.
I can honestly say that Saint Joseph's staff and facility is great. We have been treated very well there. I did however take Alex to the cafeteria for a quick bite while we waited for Mike. The food is not very healthy but it is comfort food. Glad we did not have to stay there for long. Man is that hospital cold! We are home now and Mike is resting. Everyday is a challenge.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Check out www.freerangeknitting.com
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Alex on play-date with his girl Arcadia
Friday, June 20, 2008
Lets Give These Two a Handclap!

Anyone who knows me, will agree that sometimes it is hard to tell when I'm being nice; or at least my version of nice. Im cranky, recalcitrant, and an Italian from NY. My intentions are not always understandable in my actions. I lack a built in editing program; and my love can be oppressive. Just ask Alexander how hard I can hug. But I love these two; Andrea and Kevin have made this journey possible with their resolute conviction in our success and their unshakable love and patience. Thank you two, Im giving you a hardy handclap. Now if you will excuse me, Im tired from laughing all day.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Amy and Mike are doing amazing
The People in Charge of My Care

Renee and Jacob live in the apartment next door and have been vital to my survival. Last night after a particularly bad argument with my intestines, I needed some white rice. Finding white rice in Santa Ana is an intimidating task to some, but not to Jacob. He strutted right out and brought some back. I dont know where he got it and frankly I dont care. It was heavenly. When Renee got home from work at Disney and Kevin finished up for the day we spent our quality time family hour with Dick Wolf and the cast of one of the Law and Orders. Every time we think we have it figured out, boy they trick us! Although during last nights episode, Kevin did scream at the TV in an indignant tone, "What! do I have to spell it out for you Mariska?"
-Posted by Amy
Smuckers Strawberry Preserves

Yesterday was very relaxing. I needed it, the day before I had tried to do too much. I was very sore and emotional, so yesterday was a mental health day. I woke up with such a craving for Smuckers Strawberry Preserves that you would have thought I was pregnant. I had dreams about, woke at 400 AM willing the clock to tick the time when the CVS opened and maybe Tracey, would take pity on me and get me some toast and jelly!
Success! First, Gypsy Den, the little hippie joint attached to our building where I have been eating for ten years (out of necessity and for the coconut cake), had white toast. Unheard of! Hippies love themselves some poppy, bran, nut, honey and raisin bread with 8 kinds of oats, but I craved white bread with strawberry preserves. Tracey made the purchase at the pharmacy and as the kids say she "hooked me up." She checks on me every morning and afternoon and I am very thankful for her!
I wonder if Mikie has been eating more Smuckers Strawberry Preserves....hmmmm
Just Because He Looked So Peaceful Redux

Hello all!
I am putting together a last minute mailing list for my show and am short a few addresses! If you would some of the fabulous invites, please email me your mailing address and I will send one out!
Also, in kidney related news, today is my doctor's appointment with my surgeon. The incision is very sore and the nerves across my belly feel slightly fuzzy. Im a little nervous, I havent been outside in a while and it is going into the triple digits today. I will report in later.
This is my sweetest Kevin with my kidney pillow. Im not sure if he gets any sleep at night; he is so cautious not to knock into me. But in the last few days he has made my transition from 24 Vicodin a day to 4 a day possible. I do have some pretty horrendous nightmares, and have these little spasms when I wake. Its as if my whole body is trying to contort into the Praying Mantis position, but locked into place by the arrangement of pillows and blankets. That scares the hell out of Kevin, but he rolls over and pats my heads, and I fall back to sleep.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Support when you have to go see the doctor
We took Mike to the doctors again today. Alex was close by him making sure he made it there OK.
We have our boy back home and it is great to have him here. We missed his terrible. He just always makes things better and more fun. It is great that Mike is feeling better so Alex does not have to see him feeling sick.
They had a good day together. Mike was so happy to be hanging out with Alex again.
We also got a scare tonight. When I was undressing Alex for bed I notices his stomach was covered around his belly button with about 20 red spots. They look like bug bites or something like that. He also had some on his arm. I was shocked and thought he had Chicken Pox. Well, I was scared because Mike is on all these rejection drugs that depress his immune system. I called the nurse on call to be safe and asked if Mike would be OK if Alex was coming down with the Chicken Pox.
The nurse told me that almost all the patients they care for have antibodies to protect them because they already had Chicken Pox and that Mike would be OK. She said that if it is Chicken Pox just don't let Mike touch him after the spots start to get really bad. Alex was so sad when he saw the bumps because he knows we are protecting Mike from any germs or infections. I told him it would be alright and that Mike will be OK. We are so lucky to have these wonderful nurses and doctors we can call when we are worried about things.
Winner of the Best Get Well Card!
We also wanted to thank Kyung Sun Cho and Debra Winters and Patrick Merrill for your thoughtful wishes. Also thanks to James and Diana Hill for the Amazon cards. Amy and Mike will be buying books soon.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Mike and Amy are back in Rare Form
Both Mike and Amy are back to picking on me so I know they are feeling much much better. Tonight Mike went for another walk but feels he over did it a bit. He is resting now and I hope will feel better in the morning.
I am back to working on some of my book projects that must get done asap. Publishing is a great business but it is killing me right now. It is hard to design and get back into the groove after all we have been through this past week and the weeks prior to all this. Details are a killer on these projects.
I am slowly getting my life back in order and plan to have three books complete in the next four weeks and that will be all my major projects in publishing for 2008. After that I start exhibitions and publishing for 2009 which will be a monster since I have another four books and six exhibitions I am working on.
I am just grateful that Mike and Amy are doing so well as it makes doing work much less stressful. My priority is with them but I also must feed the beast at GCAC and make the many wonderful artists I am working with happy. Oh, life is good and with a good nights sleep it will even get better.
I watched 60 minutes on TV last night which talked about sleep and the lack of sleep and how it can really hurt you. I don't sleep much but I am going to change my ways. They say you are more likely to have serious health issues like Heart Disease, Diabetes, Gain Weight and die younger if you are sleep deprived. I am usually sleep deprived. I have been since college and from what I gather it is a real bad way to live life. So, I am going to sleep and I hope you sleep well also. 7 to 8 hours they say and you will be healthier, smarter and sharper on your feet.
I need all that and more. Good night
Poor Mikie!
Ok, this is a call for help! An intervention!! LISTEN UP friends and family!!!
If you are a fan of the blog, and how can you not be, you know that a few days ago Andrea tried to drag me across the bed (in her futile effort to help me reposition myself in bed.) Then, she cackled, her eyes glowed red, you know the story...
Today, not more than a few hours ago, probably close to when Mikie and I were both dreaming about July 11 and the release of the iphone, I received a frantic call from Mikie!! Andrea had struck again! This time in the form of a sassy slap to the bare buttocks as he innocently tried to dress himself! She saw her opening and went in for the spank. He called me in tears, and i was in tears from knowing the pain of her sadist nature, and she laughed and laughed!
New iphone on the mind

You know Mike is feeling better when he is surfing the net looking at the information on the new iphone. He is a junky for technology.
We went to the lab today to have blood taken for more tests. We should have results by 5:00 today. We spoke with the transplant nurse and she said that Mike is doing really well. She told us we don't need to call in everyday from now on..... unless something important comes up and his vitals change or he starts to feel bad. We have a follow up appointment Wednesday with the transplant surgeon.
Amy is feeling much better today. I plan to go to work and visit her later. She is needing a visit with Olive the Corgi!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Thank you for Being a Friend
"traveled down the road and back again, your heart is true, you're a pal and a confidante."
I would like to share some of my recovery with you. I haven't been writing to much because it took me a few days to be able sit up and draw on any coherency left from the vicodine.
I just want to thank everyone who has helped me to shower, dress, eat, and manage over the last 2 weeks.
I appreciate my friends, especially the ones that dont drag me across the bed. I have to keep this short because Im in the middle of a Golden Girls marathon. I think Andrea is Dorthy and I might be Blanche.
Father's Day Walk

Mike is healing amazingly fast and he wanted to go on a walk today. The doctor said it was OK as long as he did not over do it. The day is so beautiful that he wanted to enjoy it even for just a few minutes. He is looking better everyday. I am so happy for him! Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there.
Happy Fathers Day Mikie! Thanks for bringing up Alex with me. We love you.... Andrea and Alex
Domestic Duties Inspire Me

Between my time caring for Mike I am becoming more familiar with our home. I work so much that I feel like I never really get to enjoy this place. I have been taking time to clean, organize and just enjoy it. I was washing the dishes today and trying to make a cool water sculpture out of a mellon baller. I like this shot of it. Simple thing matter so much to me and I am enjoying the small pleasures of life.
Home is were my heart is and I love being with Mike and surrounded by my animals and all my art and just all of it. This is a peaceful place we have created.
I will start back to work just part of the days this next week to help install Amy's exhibition. It will also be good to be back at the Art Center which is my other home. I miss everyone there.
Mike dream update:
Mike had a dream last night that he was attending a Lorigan family reunion with Jim and Marty. He said it was a great time with lots of good food. He said he dreamt all night but this was the one thing that stood out for him. When everyone is better we will defiantly have a party with lots of good food.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Phenomenal girl kidney

Mikes Creatnine is now at 1.6. The doctor said that for a girl kidney this is really wonderful. I was kind of shocked when he said for a girl kidney. I mean are boy kidneys better than girl kidneys or something? I asked him what he meant. He said that Mike is a very tall man and for his size it is unusual for a female kidney to work as well as Amy's is working. He had expected Mike to get to 2.0 but 1.6 or lower is wonderful news and unexpected. He said Amy's kidney is working really well for Mike. She is a wonderful match for him. What a super kidney!
My Mom called Amy today and she told Amy all she could think of to describe how she was feeling was WOW! Amy thought that perfectly described how she was feeling also.
Mike had the craziest dream last night. He was needing his bandages changed and the physician to the President came in and was trying to help him. All of a sudden George Foreman showed up and insisted that he had a better way to fix Mikes bandages. Mike got freaked out after seeing George Foreman and woke up. He did not want to go back to sleep after that.
I asked Mike if George Foreman had his famous Foreman grill with him. Mike could not remember.
Happy that the Drain is gone

Mike is feeling much better today. We got a call from our nurse asking us to head over to the transplant center to have Mikes drain removed. The doctor took it out and Mike is feeling much better. The wound that is left is small and will be closing up over the next two days. Mike heals fast! He will be back to taking normal showers by Monday.
This was another step in the right direction. So happy that all is going so well. We are lucky beyond belief.
Animals know when something is wrong

I have been taking care of them and they are happy. Playing ball in the yard and barking at stuff. I love the animals as they keep things busy in a normal way. The normal chaos.
The doctor says dogs are OK to be around and rabbits but no cats or birds after this kind of surgery. Also Mike cannot clean up after the animals as this could make him sick.
An answer to a request from a friend who is far away
I had a friend ask me by email from Beirut what happens from this point on? When will we know when Mike is OK.
Mike has about three months of serious recovery. He has not had a rejection scenario happen yet so things are good so far. The doctor let us know that usually patients have rejection symptoms at some point but there have been patients who never have rejection scenarios. We hope this will be Mike. The doctor said that usually at some point patients come back into the hospital for some reason or another.
Mike will have outpatient surgery to remove the stint in his new kidney at the outpatient center in a few weeks if all looks good. He is also scheduled to see the doctor today to have a drain removed from his abdomen.
He can start to walk outside the house in two weeks. Just short walks with his mask on.
In six weeks he will be able to drive again once the doctor signs off on him. He will be tapering down off the major portion of the drugs he is on over the three months. Once they have dialed his dose of medication in he will be well enough to start to exercise. Taking it slow and rebuilding his strength.
If he makes it the first year without a rejection scenario he will have a 99% chance that he will keep his new kidney for 5 years and after the 5 years a 96% chance of keeping it longer.
Mikes Mom had her transplant for 17 years and so Mike could be that lucky or could have it even longer with all the new technology available.
Thanks for your question. If anyone else has a question for us please email at: teammikie@gmail.com
I also wanted to thank our friends for the card that have been sent to Mike. It really lifted his spirits. Jon and Janis thank you so much you are very thoughtful and generous!!! Thanks to Jackie and Nathan for your support and I will be in touch if we need anything. Thank you Robert and Suzanne Williams for the funny card. It made us laugh and that was very helpful.
Love to Shelley in Beirut we send you all the best!
posted by Andrea
Friday, June 13, 2008
Better Days !!!!!

This is Mikes first full day at home since surgery. He is doing pretty well considering all he has been through. I am just about ready to give him his medication for the night. He looks very tired in this photo and he is but he is doing much better today. He sends you all a thumbs up. His Creatnine results came in at 5:00 today and he is at 1.91. This is great news and exactly what we want to have happen. Amy's Kidney aka (Mrs. Kevin Hill Kidney) is doing a great job helping Mike. He is still off on his Prograf numbers and so the doctor has added another two tablets for the night and tomorrow morning to see if we can bring these numbers up. Prograf is one of the anti-rejection medications Mike is taking. He needs to be at a certain number to keep his kidney safe from rejection.
The doctor described the rejections drug as if they were blinders on the sides of the white blood cells. If the white blood cell did not see the kidney they would not attack it as a foreign object. The body is very intelligent and we are tricking it and distracting it from seeing the kidney. It is a balancing act that will be refined over the next couple weeks. Once they dial Mike in he will have the best chance to keep his new kidney.
Last night we did not sleep well as Mike was feeling real bad. Today we will rest and tomorrow will be an even better day for Mike and Amy! Good night all and sleep tight!
posted by Andrea
The Blue Gloved One!

I wear these really cool blue gloves that the hospital gave me to do all my work on Mike so things stay sterile. I have a matching shirt on today so I thought I would share an image of me with you. This is me with my iphone taking an image of myself. This is me going for the cup that I measure liquid in. I know I look real official with the blue gloves on. Scary huh!
These gloves are size large just in case you were wondering and they are real high quality and not the ones that tear real easy. You know these are the real good ones. Only the best for Mikie!
This is the true story from my perspective!

I did not mean to drag and she is making far to much out of this. I just could not stop laughing at her because she was so funny and loud. When Amy is funny and loud that means she is feeling much better! I was happy to see her up to her old tricks.
By old tricks I mean the way she permanently barrows my cloths. The sweater she is wearing in this photo was mine two days ago but I left it in her hospital room and now it is hers. She said I gave it to her. Maybe while she was under the influence of Morphine she imagined that I gave it to her. Well, now it is gone and she has it. I told her to keep it and maybe that will make up for the bed dragging incident. I am sure she will never let me live it down.
Oh, I tried to be so helpful..... Ha Ha Amy .... Now that is my side of the story. These images are of Amy telling me that the sweater is hers! You can see that there is no arguing with this woman when she sets her mind on something. Glad she set her mind on helping Mikie. What a wonderful, funny, crazy, amazing lady she is.
Love the Sadistic Bitch!
Removing those staples!

The doctors and nurses are very interested in our blog and many have checked it out. I am not shy when taking photos as I tell them the images will be shared with everyone who views this site. Many people have told us the site is helpful as it makes them feel closer to us and connected to this process. Even our family and friend who live far away are part of this. We love you all!
I am headed to go see Amy and cheer her on!
posted by Andrea
In disguise!

Mike is very susceptible to germs and infection right now so when we leave the house he has to wear this mask. He hates it. But I think it looks better when he wears his sunglasses with it. Very cool!
We met another kidney transplant patient today at the hospital. He received his wife's kidney in February. He was on Dialysis for two years. His wife was pregnant with their 4th child when he was diagnosed with kidney failure. They waited until the baby was born and she was done nursing and than she donated her kidney to him. He said in four weeks they felt great and in six weeks they were both healed and living life to the fullest again.
It is amazing what can be done to save lives. The man we met was so happy and he told Mike that he would be feeling like a million bucks real soon. He also told me to tell Amy that she needs to take it slow. He watched his wife recover and he said it will be better soon, but take the pain relievers and take it slow. His wife did not take her medication for pain and with 4 kids you can imagine how she would start back to taking care of things at home. Amy will rest and Kevin, Tracey, Alyssa, Dennis and I will see to her that she gets better soon but without rushing herself.
Last night was a hard night

Last night was brutal for Mike. He was real sick with chills and a slight fever. I think I made the house to cool with the air conditioner. I am learning what he needs as we go along. They also think maybe he reacted to one of the drugs he was taking so they changes things up for him a bit.
I was up helping him with his pills, measurements off all fluids in and out and doing the over all nurses job. I am his nurse at home and take my job very seriously. I have set alarms on my iphone so I can get ready for every meal, medication dosing and monitoring of his vitals. I love this man so I feel that it is no trouble. He is the best guy! He has been so independent and low maintenance for all these years and finally I have something to help him with. I know he will recover well and get back to his old independent ways.
For the rest of his life he will take pills morning noon and night. He has to drink 2 liters of water each day. He had blood taken today and they will call us by 5:00 pm with the results. He and I slept maybe three hours total in the last 24 hours. Mike is napping now after his PB&J sandwich which I messed up because I toasted it. But he ate it anyways. What a good sport.
Alex is away for five days with his Dad visiting is grandma in Fresno. It is a good time for this trip to happen. I would hate to have Alex here to deal with all this when he should be enjoying his summer break. We did talk on the phone with his and Alex said Yipeeeee Mikie is Home!
16 gage needle and Amy coming home

Amy came home first yesterday. When they were taking her IV out the nurse informed us that they had used a 16 gage needle in her hand. I am sure Amy will elaborate on this fact in the near future. Lets just say the nurse felt it was very large and Amy thought they had used a baby size needle. She told the nurse to go ahead and leave the bloody bandage on so later she could scan or photograph it. That's our Amy.
Also when she got home Mike came up with this great way to transport her into the Art Center. Chair on Art Cart technology! It worked real well. Eric was telling her wave while he moved her like she was on a parade float. She was not feeling good so she was not impressed.
Amy is a trooper to put up with all our funny business. We love you sweet lady!
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