So they say when dealing with stressful situations remember to keep breathing and think of a special place that you can go to in your mind to relax and decompress. I have been doing pretty well at this. I mean I get a great deal of strength and calm from Mike. He is a very mellow person usually. I feel lucky every day for this life I have and appreciate all that I am able to do and all the people that are around me. I have been gardening and cleaning my yard in an attempt to create a vegetable garden and make it a nice place for Mike while he recuperates. I have been reading comedy books which have helped. My special places I go in my head are: Paris, The Country on a long winding road (driving my motorcycle or a convertible), Huntington Lake above Fresno (out on a fishing boat with my dogs and Alex trying to catch and release the big one) or on the sofa with my guys... Alex and Mike.
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