One day you are shopping for a Christmas tree at Home Depot and the next thing you know you are asking your best friend to test to donate a kidney. I love this photo of Alex with Amy and Mike. I am so glad that Amy has a great sense of humor about all this. I've been spending time looking through old images and know I am the luckiest person around. I get to be with these three and life is good.
Mike drove out to get dinner last night and I was telling him about how I feel so lucky. He agreed and said that he still was not certain all this was going to work out for him. I guess he won't believe it until they roll him into surgery. I guess he won't believe it until he is feeling like a healthy man again. I guess it is hard to believe that after feeling so terrible you can have a friend donate a kidney and all the sickness will finally end. I think he is right to protect his feelings and not get his hopes up. But, I have my hopes high and will look forward to it all.
Mikes Dad told Mike on day that his fistula surgery was just minor surgery. He said it would be major surgery if it happened to him. He made me laugh...and I told Amy the same thing. I can't really know what she is going through but I can be here for her. I am on the inside but also on the outside looking in. I know Amy and Mike can do this. I wish I could have done this for Mike. But, I'm in the pit rooting for them.
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