I do not agree with the exciting part anymore. I mean I guess I am excited but I just want to be there and see this all go through OK. I just want to know that the people I love will be OK. I had a ruff day and tried to fix some things so I would feel better. Have you ever had a day when everything you try to do just does not go right. Well, I had a day and now I am in front of the computer drinking a Rootbeer and thinking about how I can get my spirits back on track.
I know this too will pass just like all the other blues I have felt through this process. Taking the good with the bad is all part of it. This has not been a cake walk. I saw the dermatologist today because my face is breaking out in an acne kinda rash. He says it is due to stress. Me stressed out? Yes! I admit I try to hold back the feelings but the day is getting closer and I am nervous and stressed. Amy told me all is going to work out just fine and in a month I will be home with my healthy husband and looking back at all this like a bad dream. This to will pass. Amy is a good friend to me and she knows when I get stressed out. Thanks Amy for your kinds words. Your the one doing most of the hard lifting on this deal. I appreciate your strength for the times when I am not as strong. Like today. Much love to you, Andrea
Tomorrow will be a better day.
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