One day after I had called many friends and family for help I decided to contact CSUF and ask if they would distribute an email to faculty and staff about Mike and his need for a kidney donor. The university had never done something like this before and they asked me to write something up and send it off for approval. I waited a couple days and I received a call from Davida on campus and she asked me if I wanted to use Mike's name in the mail or make it anonymous. I wanted Mikes name used as this was personal and I felt people needed to know it was him. Mike has been a professor at CSUF for 15 years now and I have been with CSUF for the past 9 1/2 years. CSUF is a huge part of our lives and so many had supported us over the years as friends and business associates.
I received approval and the email went out. The first day I received five emails from staff that wanted more information about Mike and kidney donation. The second day I received five more. Also on the second day I also received three emails from staff that had never met Mike who offered to be tested. I was blown away, excited and impressed by their generosity. I also received an email from a staff person who felt angry that I had sent the email and told me how selfish of an act it was. I agreed in my response that I was selfish. I explained that I would do anything to find a donor for Mike. I was fighting for his life and I knew my email could offend people. I did not care. I felt it was worth the risk of offending some to educate others and possibly find a match. I still feel that it was important to ask for if we never ask we will never know what could have been.
We will always be thankful for those who offered to be tested. It brought us great joy to know you where out there looking out for Mike. All of you know who you are and you know I will always remember you. I will also always keep you in my list of people I can call on if we ever need help! CSUF has been good to us and we Thank you so much.... posted by Andrea
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