It is 6:25 am doing my usual morning routine. Up at 5:30... Feed dogs and let them out. Clean kitchen and make Alex's lunch. Feed the rabbit veggie bowl and feed tortoise lettuce, grapes and cantaloup. Check internet and go wake Alex up. Get dressed. Get out the door by 7:00 am but not before Alex and I kiss Mike goodbye. Mike usually tries to sleep but we still go in for the kiss. Alex tries to get into bed with him and hide out so he does not have to go to school. I don't blame him. Mike is a professional snuggler and bed warmer.
Today is a special day however, Amy is coming to meet us at 7:00 to drive to school with us. Today is reading day and Amy is coming to read with Alex and the class. I always appreciate the fact that she will get up so early to come and be with him. He loves her so much!
My days are filled with running errand to get ready for this next week. I have much to do and as always and not enough time or money to do everything I want. That's life. I will get as much done as I can and go easy on myself.
Have a great day and remember to think of Tom and send good wishes. This photo is Alex at school making apple snack smiles. xoxox