We are home resting for the long weekend.
Heard on the news today that during Black Friday... The big shoppers day that a man was trampled at a Walmart store. I need to say that people need to slow down and realize that no sale is worth all this. Another man assaulted a shopper with a gun in another store. What is going on! We have so much stress in our lives already and this is not making things better. I hate hearing this stuff. This is small stuff that we can manage ourselves with some respect for others and less hysterical behavior. There are people loosing their lives all over the world and some stupid shoppers can only think about cheap deals and hurt others in the process of being greedy. Slow down and think about what matters. I know our friends do care for others. Lets spread the world and make this holiday a wonderful experience for all. Take care of your family and neighbors and care about your fellow man, woman and child. Love you all and send you the best this holiday season.
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