Thursday, January 8, 2009

Donate Life Run Walk 2009!

Hello all!
I am working on setting up the Team Mikie page for registration for this years 5K/1K Run/Walk
When: Saturday, April 25th, 2009
Where: Cal State Fullerton.
Im in training and I KNOW you want to join Andrea, Mikie, Alex, Kevin and I for a breezy lite jog around the campus!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Celebrating 10 years of the Grand Central Art Center

Well, we are excited to announce the CSUF Grand Central Art Center will be celebrating it's 10th year anniversary. We are mounting an exhibition that highlights the years and all the amazing artists we have worked with and exhibitions, publications, prints, programs and more that we have accomplished. Mike McGee was and is the facilitator for the project and worked hard to make it a successful arts center.  I also directed the space for ten years so it was my baby and I love the art center dearly. My staff, our Forum board members and I worked our tails off and it was a labor of love!  I am working to bring together and exhibition that will be a best of what we brought to Orange County and more. Also, Steven Ehrlich will also be presenting an installation in the project roof that opens the same night. Should be a blast.. Steven is the architect who did the redesign on CSUF Grand Central Art Center and is also very famous for being one of the best architects in California.

The reception is February 7th from 7-10 pm. It will be a big party and we hope that you will come out and help us celebrate. We will have another big part on March 7th if you miss the February date. 

Also just to get you up to date with Mike and all his health stuff. He is doing great this week. Much better although still very tired. He is teaching intercession and doing well with it. I am doing well also. Working at the new job and so far all is going well. I will be opening another big show at OCC in February as well and will post the details in about a week. I am still in the mix of organizing it currently. 

That is all for now and I wish you all a good night! Hugs.... 

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Meeting in Huntington Beach

Our dear friend Shelley is in town and we are headed to go meet with him. He is going to share some information about some artists from Lebanon with us. Shelley has been living in Beirut for more than one year and is doing some very important legal work for the government. We are very proud of all his efforts. I will post images later today.

Today is Sunday and the end of Winter break. How sad... but we are all getting ready for new challenges and adventures in 2009. 

Shorty leaves home

I am doing a drawing each night. I am really excited by the progress and I am really in the grove to finish this book. New year and new energy and focus. 

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Image from kids book

This is my book project. I am creating it for Shorty (aka Alex) with help on the writing by Mike. It is our family project. I am doing all the drawings and braille parts to the book. I am also writing the story but Mike will clean up my mess and make it amazing. He is good at that.

Check out this new image from Shorty Hits the Big Apple!  to be compete in 2009 for sure.

Shorty dreaming about the Big Apple... New York City!

Mike and I starting off the year right

We are into the new year and happy to be out of 2008. We attended the most wonderful party on new years day at Jon Gothold and Janice Lowry's home. They rock and know how to show people a great time. We ate mexican food and Mike's amazing salade. We played music and watched a light boy performance. It was amazing.  

Mike is getting better and so far no new infections in the last week. He is looking and feeling great. I stay up late sill and work on stuff but he gets his rest and is doing all the right stuff to stay healthy. 

I actually am planning to slow down in 2009 and get in better shape. Yes... But no not like a resolution or anything. Just plan to take better care of myself. I need to keep up with this healthy man of mine and that crazy little biy who is not so little any more. 

Picked up Amy and Kevin from LAX tonight and they just returned from Ireland. I will ask her to start posting images and stories from her adventure. 

Much love to you,